Elemetary school children offer up favorite Christmas memroies
Making spirits bright. We asked area elementary school students to share their favorite holiday memories. From sledding in the snow to new pets and dirt bikes, here are their recollections of some very special Christmases.
These students are fourth-graders in Susan Zaeske's fourth-grade class at Gilberts Elementary School.
Sledding in the snow
My favorite Christmas memory is going sledding. I had to put on my boots, snow pants, hat, jacket, and gloves. I got to go sledding with my dad. My dad pulled me all around a neighborhood. My sled is special because my grandma sent it to me from Poland. I had so much fun with my sled. I went really far with my sled. Went up a huge mound of snow where the sidewalk used to be. Then we went down a slope of grass full of snow. I was getting cold so we went back home. I'll never forget that Christmas.
Alex Sokolowski
Drums for Christmas
My favorite Christmas memory was on December 25, 2004. On that day I just come from the hospital from getting my appendix taken out. I was in the hospital for four days. When I came home I got the present I have always wanted. I got drums! I was so happy I carried the drums all the way to the living room. Then me and my sister started to play our instruments. My sister got an electric piano! Now you know about my very favorite and interesting Christmas.
Abagail Darrow
Art endeavors
My favorite Christmas memory was when my aunt got me a box of art supplies. There was this book that my aunt made! It was really cool. The book didn't have normal size papers, it had the size of construction paper. I think it was construction paper because it felt like it. The box had silver stuff that when it dries it is hard and it looks really cool. I still have all the stuff from the box. I also got markers and crayons. Those I lost. I still use the book. My mom doesn't let me use the silver stuff. I only used it once and it made a major mess. I also got a nose eraser. It was funny. So now you know why I liked that Christmas.
Vincent Arena
These students are fourth-graders in Debra Hopp's fourth-grade class at Gilberts Elementary School.
Singing at church
My favorite Christmas memory is going to church on Christmas Eve. We all sing songs like Silent Night, Eagles Wing, and Mary Had a Baby Boy. My whole family participates.
Every year my mom, dad, brothers, grandmothers and grandfather and I go to church as a family. We usually take up 1 whole pew. There are other big familys there too. The church has a manger seen.
As we sing a song we receive the Eucharist and wine, which we should believe as the body and blood. So the priest preaches, the choir sings, the pianist plays, and the people see the true meaning of Christmas. That's my favorite Christmas memory.
Kasey Reigner
Gingerbread with Grandma
My favorite Christmas memory is when I went to my aunt's house on Christmas Day 2005. It was my best Christmas because my grandma was there. I was so happy, we had so much fun. My family ate the delicious food that my mom cook. After we were done ateing my grandma said, "Let's make gingerbread cookies." Then everyone said, "yes." So my cousins sat around the table to help my grandma make gingerbread cookies. All my cousins had their own dough to make gingerbread cookies. Then we put them on a cookie tray to put and baked in the oven.
My grandma read a story about a gingerbread girl. It was a fun story. After she finished the book, we smelled the cookies and we asked my grandma if their were ready. My grandma took the cookies out of the oven and we put some sugar and cinnamon on the top of the cookies. My grandma told us to eat the gingerbread cookies. There were the best gingerbread cookies that I ate in my life. I had so much fun spending time with my grandma and cousins during Christmas Day 2006 at my aunt's house.
Melissa Espinoza
Lunch and presents
My faverit Christmas memory is having a Christmas party with all of our reliteus. Everyone gathers at our unkle's mantchin. At 11 the party begins.
Everyone brings food to eat like prezzles dipped in cremy wight chocolate. Sometimes people bring food for lunch like ribs with a thin surup look of barbiqu caus.
After lunch all of the presents were done being unwrapped. People started throwing wraping paper everywhere. It was fun but after a while we ran out of paper. So we had to stop. That's what we did for a Christmas party.
Karena Daugherty
Christmas cookies
My favorite Christmas memory is making Christmas cookies with my Mom. I always help my Mom mix everything together. She lets me lick the spoon after she is done mixing.
When my Mom looks away I steal the cookie dough. The cookie dough has a sweet taste.
We finally get to use the cookie cutters. My Mom makes the shape of a gingerbread man and I make a shape of a Christmas tree.
Once were done shaping the cookies we put the cookies into the hot oven so they can bake. I stand right next to the oven waiting for the cookies to be done. Ding! went the oven. Then, I took the cookies out right away. Then, I put the red and green sprinkles on the cookies. The sprinkles made the cookies glisten.
It was time to eat. My whole family ate their cookies and said these cookies are delicous! I felt good inside because they said that. That is my favorite Christmas memory.
Sarah Johnson
Eating together
A Christmas morey is seeing all my faimaly and eating all togather at the dinner toble. And opening presents by the Christmas tree. And making things on the dinner table.
Last year we hode Christmas at grandma's house but this year we are going to have Christmas at are house then grandma's house. And we all got to play in the snow at are house and at grandma's house on Christmas day. And we got to go sleoding on a hill on Christmas day.
But whene we opened presents by the Christmas tree I was sorrounded by Christmas presents. But when I opened the Christmas presents I dident bilive my eyes. We hade so meny presents it was bitiful and when I opened my presents they where so cool.
Avery Humbracht
Three days at grandma's
The best Christmas memory I have is spending 3 days at my grandma's house. One thing I love about going there for 3 days is helping my family decorate the tree. It takes us 1 hour to put 58 ornaments on the tree. When we are done it looks awsome. This happens Christmas Eve.
Another thing we do is watch Christmas movies and shows like The Christmas Story, The Grinch, and Grandma got ran over by a riendeer. They are very funny. We usually watch them with the whole family.
The last thing we do is share and recieve presents. Last year the family all pitched in some money and bought my grandparents a brand new BBQ. They loved it!
We have a tradition that we go to church at 11 p.m. and come back at 12 a.m. to open presents. When we get back it is like a mad house. My cousins are yelling, my grandma is yelling and there is a loud ripping of wrapping paper in the background. But in the end everyone is happy for what they got.
Well there you have it, my 3 days at grandma's house.
Federico Marsico
Football and games
My favorite memory is my family coming over for dinner. We boys usually watch the football game. We always open presents at the end of the party. The whole family always play a game. Sometimes there are two games going on because of all the people.
When we eat dinner, we eat a lot of stuff. We normally have turkey, lasagna, smashed potatoes, bread and butter, and some chips and soda pop. It's always a good football game on Christmas. Last year on Christmas Day, it was snowing and it was the Raiders vs. the Chiefs.
Michael Boutin
Early memories
I have many Christmas memories but I remember three the most. The first one is setting up the Christmas tree in November. I remember this memory a lot because it was the earliest time I ever put up my Christmas tree. In fact, that was just last year.
The second memory I have is going outside and having a snowball fight. Me and my sister play across our driveway, throwing snowballs which normally don't make it across.
My third and most favorite memory is when me and my family went to Wisconsin for my dad's birthday. This is possible because my dad's birthday is two days after Christmas.
Camron Imeny
'We take leftovers'
This is one of my Christmas memories. We make Christmas cookies. First we get some dough then we shape it into the stars and Christmas trees.
Second, we put the dough on a pan. We cook them for 1 hour. Then take out the pan and let them cool. Finally you take them to Christmas parties. We take leftovers if the family chose not to eat them all.
Joey Lombardo
'I get to see grandma's dog'
The best Christmas memory I have is that my grandma comes over every year and brings us presents. She also comes over for dinner. She sleeps over and brings her dog. Last year, she came at 12 o'clock instead of 3 o'clock.
Then in the morning, she was making coffee. I was the second one up. Grandma was the first one up. We waited for the others so we could open presents. We got up at 7 o'clock. Then Hunter came down at 7:34. Then RJ and mom came at 8 o'clock. Then my dad came at 8:15. Then mom and dad had coffee with grandma.
First we went to stockings. We got a lot of candy. Then we went to presents. We had fun opening the presents. After opening the presents, we played with the dogs. Then after we played with the dogs, we played with board games, TV and stuff like that. Then grandma had to leave so we said bye. Then we played with our presents.
This is my favorite memory because I get to spend time with family. I get to see grandma's dog. Also because we have a great Christmas
Alec Consigny
Building igloos