
Your faith

Your faith To submit items, e-mail, or send fax to (847) 427-1301.

Adult education

St. Hubert Ministry Center, 729 Grand Canyon, Hoffman Estates, offers a Job and Networking nondenominational program free and open to all occupations. It offers participants the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of how to get a career and to get in-depth knowledge from the seminars and meetings and career topic events offered.

A free career seminar for the job seeker on "How to Evaluate That Company" will be today. The presentation will be held at, and co-hosted by, Our Lady of the Wayside Parish, 432 W. Park, Arlington Heights. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. Included will be information on how companies attract new employees, how to sort out the fairy tales from the reality and how to match your value to the values of the company to better assure a strong fit from the candidates perspective. Casual networking will follow until noon. Reservations are not needed and refreshments will be available.

For information or a copy of the monthly calendar, call Bob Podgorski at (847) 925-6005.

Children, teens

St. Thomas of Villanova School in Palatine is accepting enrollment for the 2007/2008 school year for preschool through eighth grade. For more information or to schedule a visit, contact Trish Moore at (847)358-2110 or visit the Web site at

Noah's Ark Christian Preschool is now registering for the 2007-08 school year. Classes are for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds (by Sept. 1) in Barrington United Methodist Church's facility at 98 Algonquin Road (at Route 59) in Barrington. Classes are half day, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. For tours of the facility and registration, call (847) 844-3738 or visit:

St. Matthew Lutheran School, 24480 N. Old McHenry Road, Hawthorn Woods, is now holding registration for the fall term. Registration packets with application forms are now available at both the church and school offices. School information may also be accessed at: (847) 438-6103


Skate-a-thon for Kidney Fundraiser will be from 6 to 9 p.m. July 29 at Mainstreet USA Roller Skating Center, 23 W. Streamwood Blvd., Streamwood. Living Lord Lutheran Church in Bartlett is raising money for the kidney fund of Zuleica Arano Estrada, a local young woman in need of a kidney transplant to live. Participants are invited to collect pledges, then have fun skating for a great cause. Unsponsored skaters are also welcome, for a minimum $10 donation that includes entry fee and skate rental. The event also includes a raffle for great prizes. For pledge forms and details, visit and click on the Zuleica section under "What's New." Or call (630) 830-3630.

The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth JudeaÅ’will host its Annual Rummage Sale 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Aug. 5 in the Beth Judea Social Hall, Route 83 and Hilltop Road (1/4 mile North of Aptakisic Road and 1/2 mile South of Route 22) in Long Grove.

Men's, women's and children's clothing, toys, books, sports equipment, small electrical appliances, household items, small home furnishings, baby equipment, bric-a-brac, etc. will be available.

Donations are needed. Donated items will be accepted beginning July 29. Tax receipts will be available. No items will be accepted during the day of the rummage sale.

Proceeds will help fund many of the synagogue and youth activities. For details and directions, call (847) 634-0777.

Lectures, seminars

Theology on Tap, a speaker and discussion series for young adults, will be held at Holy Family Parish, 2515 W. Palatine Road, Inverness. Scheduled dates at Holy Family begin at 7 p.m. with a gathering with snacks, followed by a 7:30 p.m. speaker presentation: "You Can Never Dance Alone," presented by Douglas Scott Monday; and "Catholics Are Sacramental People," by Fr. Frank Jenks July 30. The series will end Aug. 5 when Cardinal George will celebrate Mass at Holy Name Cathedral, followed by a picnic at his residence. For information, call the parish office at (847) 359-0042.

Great Plains Zen Center will hold an Introduction to Zen Practice Workshop today at Countryside Unitarian Universalist Church, 1025 N Smith Road, Palatine. Each workshop covers a brief history of Zen Buddhism, the aims of meditation practice, and basic, practical information including how to do zazen (Zen meditation), how to practice at home and throughout the day, the aims of practice, and opportunities for additional practice offered at GPZC. The workshop will run from 8:30-11:30 a.m., followed by an informal lunch. The cost for the workshop is $25 per person (free for repeating participants). Visit to register, or call (847) 274-4793.


A Fatima/Portugal Pilgrimage led by the Rev. Eduardo Garcia of St. John Vianney parish, is planned for Sept. 25-Oct. 3. Cost is $1799. Call Nancy at (847) 566-7711.

Congregation Kneseth Israel offers Shabbat observances for all ages. For those who wish to learn more about the Sabbath or other Jewish values, several classes are conducted. "Judaism 101" is taught by Rabbi Kohn at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and "Understanding Hebrew" is on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.. Youth classes meet on Wednesdays and Sunday mornings. High Holiday services will be led by Rabbi Kohn and Cantor Jack Kalk. Rosh Hashanah begins on the evening of Sept. 12. Religious school for pre-K through high school will also begin in early September. For information about the holidays or school contact the congregation office.

Congregation Kneseth Israel, is at 330 Division, Elgin. Guests are welcome at any time. For details, call the office (847) 741-5656 or visit

St Paul United Church of Christ, 401 E. Main St., Barrington will be out front from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. during Barrington's Sidewalk Sale Days Thursday through Saturday with free water bottles, free samples, shaded tables and games for the kids.

Beth Tikvah CongregationÅ’in Hoffman Estates will kick off its 50th anniversary this fall and they are looking for past members. If you used to belong to Beth Tikvah at any time during the past 50 years, call Lucy at the temple office, (847) 885-4545.


Barrington United Methodist Church, 98 Algonquin Road (at Route 59) will host a celebration of music, dance and art from 6 to 8 p.m. July 29. The inaugural Fifth Sunday Fine Arts Festival will feature fine and visual arts from 6 to 7 p.m. and performance arts from 7 to 8 p.m., including painting and sculpting, instrumental and vocal music, dancing, acting and dramatic reading. Participating artists include: Bruce Anderson, wood turning; Peter Austin, sculpture, carving, pen and ink, and acrylic; Renee DeLapp, and Mike DeLapp, watercolor; Bud Lowery, photography; Barbara West, quilts; and Megan Harrigan Cox, black and white photography.

Performing musicians include: Brittany Albrecht, original piano composition; Kimberly Albrecht, Broadway and operatic selections; Kimberly Albrecht and Gail Rossow, operatic duet; Belinda King, flute and piccolo selections from "The Pied Piper;" Karen Leoni, solo/guitar "The

Remember Song;" Karen Maxwell, piano Waltz in E minor by Chopin; Walter Preucil, solo and cello, and Ruth Regan, soprano solo.

For details, call (847) 836-5540. Visit the church's web site at:

"Ignite Chicago: A Music Fest to Spark a Revolution" will be held from noon until 10 p.m. today Alexian Fields, 1999 S. Springinsguth Road in Schaumburg.

Performers include: TruEmotion at noon; Vicki Beeching at 12:30 p.m.; John Reuben at 1:10 p.m.; Seventh Day Slumber at 2 p.m.; Tree 63 at 3 p.m.; BarlowGirl at 4:05 p.m.; Rebecca St. James at 5:25 p.m.; Compassion Speech at 6:25 p.m.; David Crowder Band at 6:50 p.m.; and Casting Crowns at 8:30 p.m.

Ignite Chicago's KidZone will feature G-Force inflatable games and the G-Force bungee jump. Cost is $10 for an all-day wristband or $7 for a bungee jump; cost of a bungee jump is $5 with a wristband.

Tickets are $30 for adults or $20 for youth, age 12 and younger. This does not include ticket processing fees. For tickets or information, visit or call (800) 965-9324.


LAFF (Life After Fify-Five), the Senior Group of Beth Tikvah Congregation in Hoffman Estates, will meet at 5 p.m. Aug. 4 with Jared Simon who will demonstrate Akido, a form of martial arts that will teach seniors balance and how to break a fall. Wear loose clothing to participate or you can just watch. No charge for the program at 453 S. Vermont, Unit C, Hill and Illinois streets, Palatine. Call Marilyn or Jared at (847) 670-5820 or use Mapquest. For those interested, the group will go to dinner following the class and each will pay for himself.

Special services

Beth Tikvah Congregation, located in Hoffman Estates, announces the following summer services:

July 27, Aug. 3, and Aug. 10, regular Shabbat Services at 8 p.m.

August 17, Family Shabbat Services at 7:30 p.m.

Aug. 24, a special Shabbat Service held outdoors at the Village Green in Prairie Stone Park.

For more information call the Temple office at (847) 885-4545 or visit

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 200 N. Plum Grove Road, Palatine, will offer outdoor worship at 10 a.m. Sunday and Aug. 19 at the Palatine Park District Amphitheater. (847) 359-1649.

St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 337 Ridge Road, Barrington Hills, will hold a Taize Prayer service at 7 p.m. July 29. This is a particularly beautiful and deeply spiritual form of prayer originated in an ecumenical community in Taize, France. The service involves a few readings and times of silence interspersed with extended times of prayerful music. Members from the larger community are welcome to attend. For information, call (847) 381-0596.

Come celebrate with Christ Lutheran Church at a special worship service at 9:30 a.m. July 29 at the church, 41 S. Rohlwing Road, Palatine.

There will be a special service at 9:30 am celebrating organist Ken Spangler's 40 years of outstanding music at CLC. Also, the children's chorus from the vacation Bible school, a children's sermon and other special music are planned.

The service will be followed by a pot-lock dinner beginning at 11 am. On most other the church offers traditional worship at 8:30 a.m. and contemporary worship at 10:30 a.m. The contemporary service is outdoors during the summer, weather permitting. (847) 358-4600.

Come celebrate with Christ Lutheran Church at a special worship service at 9:30 a.m. July 29 at the church, 41 S. Rohlwing Road, Palatine.

There will be a special service at 9:30 am celebrating organist Ken Spangler's 40 years of outstanding music at CLC. Also, the children's chorus from the vacation Bible school, a children's sermon and other special music are planned.

The service will be followed by a pot-lock dinner beginning at 11 am. On most other the church offers traditional worship at 8:30 a.m. and contemporary worship at 10:30 a.m. The contemporary service is outdoors during the summer, weather permitting. (847) 358-4600.

Summer programs

The Village Church of Barrington will host Family Vacation Bible School 6:30-9 p.m. July 31-Aug. 2 at the church, 1600 E. Main St. The fun includes crafts, Bible stories and games for parents and children in kindergarten to grade six. For preschoolers, there will be special activities. On Aug. 4, ranch hands will enjoy a farewell ho down and barbecue at 4 p.m. The cost is $15 per student or $35 for the entire family, with a $5 per person charge for the ho down. Register before July 15 at the church office weekdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call (847) 381-5221.

St Paul United Church of Christ, 401 East Main St., Barrington invites all kids, pre-school through fifth grade, to register for Vacation Bible School at St Paul's "Take the Plunge Water Park," 9 a.m.-noon, Aug. 6 through 10. For more information or to register, call Pastor Mark or Pastor Jana at (847) 381-0460.

Kingswood United Methodist Church, 401 W. Dundee, Buffalo Grove, will offer vacation Bible school from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., the week of Aug. 13-16. This year's program, geared for children 4 years through fifth grade, is titled, "Lift Off -- Soaring to New Heights with God." An adult VBS will be held at the same time and be lead by the Rev. Margaret Gramley. An optional dinner will be offered Monday through Thursday from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. On Aug. 17 an All-Church Ice Cream Social will be held. VBS Registration forms will be available through July 15. For information, call Barb Symonds at (847) 398-0770, ext. 16.

Registration is now under way for vacation Bible school at the Lutheran Church of Martha and Mary, 606 W. Golf Road. Evening VBS classes will be held from 6-8:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, followed by a presentation to the congregation at 9:30 a.m. July 29. The theme is "Waterworks Park -- Catch the Wave of God's Love!" Classes are available for ages 3 to adult. Advance registration is requested. Call the church office at (847) 259-2568.

Bethesda Worship Center, 1280 E. Algonquin Road, Des Plaines is sponsoring "Quest For Truth," its 2007 Vacation Bible School, at 7 p.m. Aug. 1 through Aug. 3. The public is invited to sign up by calling (847) 843-1360 or (847) 299-7729 by July 28, or


First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights offers vacation Bible school from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday. All children in the community, ages 4 years through fifth-graders, are invited to attend. Registration forms are available at the church office or download a form on the church Web site at and click on Celebrate Summer 2007. For information, call Dr. Phyllis Green at (847) 255-5900. First Presbyterian Church is at 302 N. Dunton Ave., Arlington Heights.

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