
Elgin Elks donate to Step It Up Program

The Elgin Elks Lodge 737 is working with the First Baptist Church in Elgin for the Step It Up Program. The Elks have been donating to this program for several years.

This year, with the help of the Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant for $2,000, the Elgin Elks were able to purchase 85 pairs shoes for the needy children of Elgin area.

The Elgin Elks went shopping for shoes Saturday, July 11 at the Shoe Carnival store in South Elgin. The staff at the Shoe Carnival was very helpful with helping Sue Steinbach, Jeanette Rosenthal, Patricia Schley, Greg Huske, (Lodge Exalted Ruler), and Sharlene Huske.

On Friday, Aug. 7, Elgin Elks members will be participating in preparing the shoes for distribution. On Saturday, Aug. 8, Elk members will help with distribution for the Step It Up Program at the First Baptist Church in Elgin where the goal is to distribute 1,550 total pairs of shoes. The Elks hope their support helps to make that goal attainable.

Elgin Elks are proud to be part of this project adhering to its motto, "Elks Care- Elks Share." Follow the lodge at

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