
Nothing scary about Walker's record

Judging by recent letters and political mailers Halloween must be in full swing!

One such letter tried scaring folks by asking if state Rep. Mark Walker's voting record reflected our views. Instead of being scary it proved Mark Twain's old saw about lies, dang lies and statistics. Just like 2008's innuendo-strewn mailers and 2009's fib-filled robocalls against him, this partisan tactic plucks a random “80 percent” number in order to sandbag Rep. Walker.

But, it fails to mention that Mark's “80 percent” record is a positive one:

Ÿ Backing scores of resolutions recognizing churches, civic groups, volunteers and the like for their good works.

Ÿ Writing the new law making it easier for the county to repeal Todd Stroger's sales tax which was killing Arlington Heights' shops.

Ÿ Fighting for the new law that lets the state take money back from corrupt politicians.

Ÿ Voting against tax increases in this fragile economy which is something his challenger, a former state rep who backed numerous taxes and fees, can't say.

Ÿ And, getting folks back to work by promoting smart business programs the Illinois Chamber of Commerce recently endorsed Mark for that very reason.

What's scary about any of that? Do Mark's foes want to hike taxes, stop people from getting jobs, keep Stroger's sales tax in place, let corrupt pols go unpunished, or not honor volunteers for their hard work? Really?

Actually, it is frightening that these partisans would look at Rep. Walker's scrappy, independent leadership and react with such shameful shenanigans about “80 percent” this or that.

No matter. I've known Mark Walker for years, long before he ever ran for state rep. I'm confident he'll continue to fight the excesses of both parties just as he has been. Please join me in ignoring all their “scary” partisan baloney and voting for Mark Walker's positive record in the 2010 election!

Rob Nesvacil

Arlington Heights