
Walker's negative campaign puts Harris in better light

Mark Walker is running an openly negative campaign for state representative of the 66th District. To portray your opponent as supporting child pornography and sexual predators as well as viewing women as second class citizens and “property is not campaigning but simple dishonest character assassination.

This attack is especially ironic as Mark Walker complained bitterly when his three driving under the influence arrests were raised during his 2008 campaign. Mark Walker was willing to recklessly endanger the life of others (including children) by getting into a car when he was intoxicated.

Is David Harris talking about this? No. He is talking about Mark Walker's support for the failed policies of the Democrats in Springfield.

Mark Walker cannot run on his record as the current Democratic state representative because he has voted with the Democratic political machine over 82 percent of the time, voting to increase spending and borrow even more money which is contributing to the fiscal crisis in our state.

Why do you think he does not identify himself as a Democrat on his lawn signs and portrays David Harris as the incumbent?

Illinois' financial situation is the joke of the region, the nation and the world. Does Mark Walker have nothing better to talk about?

David Harris has run a quality campaign focusing on lowering government spending, providing meaningful property tax relief and getting Illinois back to work by supporting true job creating initiatives.

Kathy McAlpine

Arlington Heights