
Colley Elevator mechanic rescues trapped cat

A cat that was trapped in an elevator hoistway was recently rescued by one of the mechanics from Colley Elevator Company in Bensenville. Sources at the building reported that the animal had jumped out of its owner's hands and managed to squeeze through the elevator's door.

Upon inspection, mechanic Sean Hannon noted evidence of a cat, such as paw prints on the elevator car tops, but could not locate it. He checked both the elevators' pits and rode on top of the cars to meticulously check each floor. Finally, Hannon was alerted to its presence when the cat sneezed.

Colley Elevator mechanic Sean Hannon poses with the cat he rescued from an elevator hoistway. Courtesy of Sean Hannon

Hannon discovered the animal trapped behind a piece of metal fascia between the building's third and fourth floors. After removing the plate, he managed to pull the cat to safety.

Hannon later commented, “I couldn't believe the cat had managed to survive, especially given its hiding place. At any moment its head could have been struck by the passing elevator.”

“Our company has been in business for more than a century, but we're still amazed by some of the calls we receive,” says President and Managing Partner Craig Zomchek. “Sean has been with our company for more than 10 years and today he's a hero.”

The building is attempting to locate the cat's owner. If it cannot, the cat will be taken to a local shelter. Hannon sadly had to decline any involvement with giving the cat a new home due to allergies.


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