
Des Plaines homes to get some flood relief

About a dozen Des Plaines homeowners whose properties are prone to flooding should get some relief, city officials say, after a new storm sewer is installed on their block.

Work begins this week on installation of the 24-inch diameter underground drain pipe, which is intended to ease flooding on Clayton Lane between Sioux Park and Central Road.

The park district board granted the city an easement in Sioux Park to allow the project to progress, and though a portion of the park will be torn up, there will be no disruption to park access, said John Hecker, the district’s executive director.

Installation of the Clayton Lane sewer, estimated to cost $250,000, is among $588,270 worth of stormwater improvement projects taking place throughout Des Plaines beginning this month.

New storm sewers will be tunneled into city rights of way, and new catch basins will be installed, near the backyards of 15 homes throughout Des Plaines. The sewers and basins are intended to drain low spots that flood, city officials said.

Residents are reimbursing the city for 25 percent of the costs for the rear yard storm sewer improvements.

All of those projects are expected to be complete by April 2014. Construction on the Clayton Lane improvements is expected to be complete at the end of November.

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