
Foster dog form ChicagoLand Lab Rescue gives love to boy with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

If ever two people ( or a dog) in this case were destined to meet, it is Buddy and Ivan. Buddy the dog lived in ditch for many years in downstate Illinois. He was fed by kind people and after being hit by a car was finally caught. ChicagoLand Lab Rescue offered to take him in. Eventually it was found out that Buddy needs his back two knees operated on so he can walk and has severe hip dysplasia.

Chicago Land Lab Rescue is a foster based rescue, so all dogs are in homes. We readily agreed to take Buddy in our home not knowing all his medical issues because he was a dog in need. Enter a little boy who lived in a Russian orphanage for four years. He was adopted in 2010 and immediately had a club foot surgery after many castings to fix it. Ivan also has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and despite taking many medications is unable to control his behavior and impulsivity.

Enter Buddy. Buddy is kind, beautiful gentle giant that lets Ivan hug, kiss and lay on top of him. If Ivan has a bad day at school he goes to Buddy to calm down. Buddy like most dogs understands without saying a word. He has helped Ivan so much with his problems.

No it is our turn to help Buddy. CLR is a new rescue and does not have much money to fund Buddy's surgery which will cost around $5,000. They are looking for donations to help Buddy be able to walk without pain like his friend Ivan and live in a forever home. Please donate to or send donations to CLR P.O. Box 3054, Oak Brook, IL 60522. Thanks from Buddy and Ivan!

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