Schools Stories from June 30, 2022 (Change date)
Glenbrook South graduation speaker: 'You are not alone'Jun 30, 2022 1:00 am - Following is the commencement address by student speaker Tomoki Imura, president of the Glenbrook South High School Student Council Executive Board, at Glenbrook South's...
McGrath confers diplomas to 518 Loyola Academy graduates as his presidency draws to a closeJun 30, 2022 1:00 am - Our world needs you, Loyola Academy President the Rev. Patrick McGrath told the 518 members of the Class of 2022. For 13 years the private high school in Wilmette has al...
With votes still to be counted, District 25 not yet ready to call referendumJun 30, 2022 1:00 am - Arlington Heights Elementary District 25 officials are waiting for early and mail-in ballots to be counted over the next week before declaring defeat or victory in a ref...
Glenbrook North graduation speaker: 'We did it'Jun 30, 2022 1:00 am - Following is Glenbrook North student graduation speaker Kelsey Lundgaard's speech during commencement ceremonies on June 5 at the Rosemont Theatre. If you had told me fo...
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