Gary UMC in Wheaton donates over $90k to local and global missions
Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton collected and dispersed more than $90,000 to global, national and local missions last year.
The People’s Resource Center, Feed My Starving Children, Habitat for Humanity, Heifer Project International, ESSE, Christmas Sharing, Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans, CROP Walk, Outreach Ministries, World Relief, and DuPage PADS are some of the many missions that received support last year.
The church also funded educational scholarships for students in Chicago, Africa and Cambodia. View the list of missions and their descriptions at
The church at 224 N. Main St. in Wheaton has celebrated deep roots in the community since 1853. The church has music, kids, youth and adult ministries, plus opportunities for local, national and global missions. The church offers worship at 9 and 11:11 a.m. In-between services, there’s Sunday school for all ages, a coffee fellowship hour, plus the chapel is available for prayer and reflection. For more information, go to or contact the church office at