
Daily Herald photo contest winners for October 2024

October was a month of bright colors and vivid scenes for the Daily Herald’s amateur photo contest, with entries featuring a fireworks display, the natural world and a peek at a street in Germany.

This stirring photo by Owen Weinfurtner of Richmond and Tyler Sepsey of Spring Grove shot to the top of the pack. Dawn Weinfurtner, who submitted the photo, writes, “This may be a timely photo to submit to a contest right now with the elections coming up … It shows hope and promise to me, not to any particular party, movement or set of beliefs, but to the integrity of the spirit of freedom and independence.” She continues, “Credit to Owen for the concept and Tyler for this terrific shot!”

Second place goes to Dave Zawis of Roselle, who took this dreamy photo of a hummingbird sipping from the bright yellow flowers of a canna lily, with a weeping willow forming the perfect backdrop.

A hummingbird came to get a drink of nectar from a canna lily in the backyard. Dave Zawis of Roselle

The streets of a small town in Germany led to our colorful third-place pick by Lynne Solway of Buffalo Grove. Solway writes, “We were charmed by this small town in Bavaria. I loved the quaintness and the colored cobblestones that directed us through the business district.”

Lynne Solway of Buffalo Grove said she was charmed by a small town in Bavaria with colored cobblestones. Lynne Solway of Buffalo Grove

Coming in fourth is Gregory Tetzlaff of Palatine capturing the vibrant fall colors in Door County, Wisconsin. Tetzlaff writes, “The autumn colors were gorgeous.”

This is a view from Skyline Drive in Peninsula Park looking out toward Nicolet Bay and Horseshoe Island on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. Gregory Tetzlaff of Palatine

Contest rules

The Daily Herald invites readers to submit their own photos to our “Your Images” amateur photo contest.

Once a month, we showcase entries, which feature one first-place winner and three runners-up. The contest is open to everyone in the Daily Herald readership area.

• To submit a photo of your own for consideration, email it in .jpg format at highest quality possible to

• Include your name, mailing address and phone number, plus a description of your photo and what you like about it.

• One photo a week per photographer, but enter as many weeks as you’d like.

• First-place winners will receive prizes alternating between The Great Frame Up in Schaumburg and PJ’s Camera in Glen Ellyn.

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