
Rare blue-eyed cicada spotted at Morton Arboretum

It was late morning when The Morton Arboretum's Senior Horticulturist Kate Myroup arrived at the Children’s Garden with a special guest: a rare, blue-eyed female Magicicada cassini cicada, spotted earlier in the day by a visitor.

A lucky few saw the cicada Friday at the arboretum in Lisle before its release back into the world to join its red-eyed relatives, the more common look for most cicada species, as the 2024 cicada emergence gets underway.

A blue-eyed cicada is held inside an aquarium at the Morton Arboretum Friday in Lisle. Associated Press

As the enclosure opened, the blue-eyed lady took flight into a tree. The unique bug then flew down to land on the pants of Stephanie Adams, plant health care leader. Intrigued young guests snapped photos.

“It’s a casualty of the job,” said Adams, who frequently is decorated with the bugs.

Floyd W. Shockley, collections manager of the Department of Entomology at the Smithsonian Institution, said the blue-eyed cicada is rare, but just how rare is uncertain.

“It is impossible to estimate how rare since you’d have to collect all the cicadas to know what percentage of the population had the blue eye mutation,” he said.

Periodical cicadas emerge every 13 or 17 years. Only the 17-year brood is beginning to show so far in spots as far north as Lisle, where three different species are digging out of the ground, attaching to trees, shedding their exoskeleton and putting on a show.

“The appearance of them on the trees, just the sheer volume of them, looks like science fiction,” Adams said. “It’s definitely something to see.”

Cicadas hang out on leaves at the Morton Arboretum Friday. Associated Press
A blue-eyed cicada perches on a plant at the Morton Arboretum Friday. Associated Press
Live cicadas swarm with exoskeletons at the Morton Arboretum Friday. Associated Press
Gregg Kulma, right, of Denver, and Bill Kibler of Joliet observe hundreds of cicadas on a tree at Morton Arboretum. Associated Press
Live cicadas swarm with exoskeletons on a tree at the Morton Arboretum Friday. Associated Press
A blue-eyed cicada perches on a flower at the Morton Arboretum Friday. Associated Press
A blue-eyed cicada perches on a flower at the Morton Arboretum Friday. Associated Press
Plant Health Care Lead Stephanie Adams of the Morton Arboretum shows the female cicada's egg-laying ovipositor, which can damage young trees. Associated Press
A young tree wears a protective net to ward off egg-laying cicadas. Associated Press
Cicadas perch on a tree at the Morton Arboretum Friday. Associated Press
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