
Immanuel Lutheran to host free Christmas event for children Dec. 17

Immanuel Lutheran Church and School in Palatine will offer a brand new event this year for children, ages 3 through grade five, called "Christmas Fun Day" from 1-4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 17. The event serves as both a Parents Day Out and a "Mini-VBS," as it was created to be a small slice of the annual summer Vacation Bible School, which welcomed almost 200 students in summer of 2023.

The event will feature stations such as cookie decorating, Bible stories, crafts, games and ornament making. Space is limited and pre-registration is required, but contrary to the week-long summer VBS camp, there is no cost to attend. The purpose of the event is to bring some Christmas cheer to children of the church and community, and to help them remember the reason we celebrate Christmas.

Immanuel is located in downtown Palatine at 200 N. Plum Grove Road and has been making disciples in the community for over 150 years through the Lutheran Church and School for Early Childhood through grade eight.

For information on Immanuel Lutheran Church and School and to register for the Christmas Fun Day, visit

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