Arlington Heights Historical Museum New Tour Hours
Discover the unique history of the families who once lived in the homes and worked in the buildings at the Arlington Heights Historical Museum campus. Profits help to preserve the artifacts and interior of the homes showcased on the museum grounds. Arlington Heights Historical Society members are admitted at no cost. Unless you have a large party, there is no need to book your tour in advance.
Tours are given each Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Meet in the Heritage Gallery, 110 W. Fremont St., for an hourlong tour that includes the five historical building on the museum campus. Tours are $5 for adults and $3 for children.
What you'll see on your visit:
In 1882, F.W. Müller built his house on the corner of Vail and Fremont. The Müller House represents the life of an upper middle-class family during the 1880-1910 period. F.W. Müller, his wife Lizzie and five children lived in this home. As his family grew, Müller added a second story to the home. After manufacturing soda pop in the basement of his home, Müller expanded and built his Soda Pop Factory in 1906. He sold his Arlington Beverage brand soda pop throughout the Northwest suburbs. Many residents of Arlington Heights reminisce about the soda pop that was purchased for special occasions.
The Old Soda Pop Factory housed the bottling machinery, garage and two apartments for F.W. Müller's sons and their families. Today, the factory houses exhibits, a shop, offices, a meeting room and the Historical Society Library.
The 1880s coach house was the stable for the horses and wagons that were used to deliver the soda pop. Be on the lookout workers' graffiti on the walls and ceiling in here. Now, it contains dioramas of the history of Arlington Heights and machinery from the old Boeger Carpentry Shop.
The home of Müller's daughter, Minnie, her husband Nathanial Moore Banta and their daughter Elizabeth was built in 1908, at the corner of Vail and Euclid. F. W. This Arts and Crafts style home was the first architect-designed house in Arlington Heights. The first floor remains in the Arts and Crafts style, and upstairs a doll and dollhouse collection is on display.
Also located on the campus is a replica 1830s log house. Discover how the old settlers made their home in Arlington Heights and surrounding towns.
The Arlington Heights Historical Museum, 110 W. Fremont St., is open from 1-4 p.m. Wednesdays; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays; and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays. For information, (847) 255-1225.