Palatine Lions & Township to co-host Electronics Recycling June 10th
An electronics recycling event will be held from 8:00 to noon Saturday at the Palatine Township offices parking lot, 721 S. Quentin Road, Palatine. This FREE service is available to all township businesses and residents. In order to prohibit traffic issues ALL vehicles are required to enter using only westbound Illinois and exit onto Quentin Road. Participants are asked to remain in their vehicles. Volunteers will unload their items.
Items being accepted are cell phones, IPads, all types of power cords and cables, computers (including laptops), computer keyboards and mice, electrical and coax wire, Christmas tree lights, CD, DVD and DCR players as well as small electrical appliances. Microwaves will be accepted for a fee of $25.
The following will NOT BE ACCEPTED: CRTs, TVs of any size, Smoke Detectors, batteries of any kind/type/size, light bulbs, white goods (washing machines/dryers), dehumidifiers or any other items that are considered hazardous waste such as paint.
We reserve the right to deny acceptance of any item for any reason.
The next major event for the Lions Club is the 35th annual golf outing on Wednesday, August 2nd at Palatine Hills Golf Course. For additional information please visit our Palatine Lions Club Facebook page or contact Publicity Chair Paul Pioch at 847/609-5805, (PalatineLions