100+ Women Who Care of Will County donate $7,500 to Will County Habitat for Humanity
On March 21, members of 100+ Women Who Care of Will County had their "big check" presentation donating $7,500 to Will County Habitat for Humanity.
Nicole Murray, Executive Director and Jean Tibbott, Corporate Relations Manager from Will County Habitat for Humanity were presented the checks by members of 100+ WWC of Will County. Founded in 1988, Will County Habitat for Humanity serves the residents of Will County, IL and has placed 90+ families in homes. Proceeds support the Habitat mission to provide affordable housing to low-income individuals and families. Everyone deserves to have a decent place to live. Through shelter, Habitat for Humanity empowers.
"There is something pretty powerful about a group of women that get together for the sake of the betterment of their community. We may not be able to change the world, but together we may be able to change one family's world. That is what the 100 Women Who Care is doing by supporting Will County Habitat for Humanity" said Nicole Murray.
100+ Women Who Care of Will County is thrilled to be donating to Will County Habitat for Humanity and helping our community. Member Patricia Fera said "I am fortunate to be a member of the 100+ Women Who Care of Will County which supports amazing organizations throughout Will County. Not only do we get to hear about the incredible work being done in our community but we can make a difference in those organizations through our donations. I nominated Will County Habitat for Humanity for 100+ WWC to support because housing is a critical issue for the residents of Will County. Having a safe and secure place to live provides the foundation for long term economic security."
100+ Women Who Care of Will County is designed to make an immediate and positive impact on the lives of our community. At each of the quarterly meetings 100+ WWC members nominate charities, three are chosen at random, and after a brief presentation, the members vote on which charity to support. Once the winning charity is announced, everyone writes a $100 check, on the spot directly to that charity. Teams of 2 or 4 are welcome to join. All charities nominated must be located in, and serve, Will County and must have 501(c)(3) non-profit status. 100+ Women of Will County of Will County has raised over $149,600 for local charities.
100+ Women Who Care of Will County's next meeting is April 11 from 6 -7 at Coom's Corner. For more information, please go to the web site at www.100wwc-will.org or visit us on Facebook.