Libertyville DAR chapter hosts genealogy workshops
Are you just starting out researching your family roots, or are you only one document away from solving the puzzle of one of your ancestors?
The Ansel Brainerd Cook chapter holds monthly genealogy workshops from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the lower lever of the Cook Memorial Public Library, 413 N. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville.
Meetings are scheduled for Wednesdays, Oct. 5, Dec. 7, Feb. 1, March 1, May 3, June 7, July 5, and Sept. 6, 2023; and Saturdays Nov. 19, Jan. 7, April 1 and Aug. 5.
No registration is needed; drop in and bring your genealogy trees or laptop for one-on-one research help.
The ABC chapter has several genealogists ready, willing and able to help anyone research their family tree. At the workshops, participants will receive help and learn how to research their ancestry using the DAR database, and will also have additional recommendations for internet research.
The DAR is an all-women lineage service organization that can prove lineal descent to a patriot that supported the American Revolution.
For more information about Ansel Brainerd Cook chapter, visit or email
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