
'The timing could not be worse': Pantry Store forced to close due to electrical issues

The Pantry Store, a food pantry in Woodridge, is being forced to temporarily close due to electrical issues in its facility caused by the recent extreme heat.

West Suburban Community Pantry announced Thursday that its Woodridge facility, located at 6809 Hobson Valley Drive, will be shuttered from Saturday through next Wednesday because of problems with its refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Officials said they hope to reopen on June 23.

"Unfortunately, this comes at a time when demand is high, and the cost of food is rising daily," Laura Coyle, executive director of the pantry, said in a statement. "But we could not, in good conscience, have people spend precious gas to come to the Pantry when we cannot offer the items they need most.

"Not being able to provide costly milk and eggs right now is a tragedy for us," she said. "The timing could not be worse."

Coyle said the shutdown will cost the Pantry $30,000 in the loss of food, although the facility offered a modified distribution of perishable food on Thursday. She appealed to other area food banks to help the shoppers the Pantry normally serves.

Shoppers are still able to order groceries online at the Virtual Food Pantry and pick them up at locations throughout the area. Information can be found at Updates on the reopening of the Pantry Store will be posted at

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