Bloomingdale Park District hosting Clue- inspired scavenger hunt
To promote an anti-littering campaign and its parks, the Bloomingdale Park District has devised a scavenger hunt based around the popular board game Clue.
The game begins May 14 in Springfield Park for residents to find the "culprit" littering around the area, with rewards for participant who correctly deduce who the culprit is based on clues at the park.
The mystery can be solved as clues are discovered in categories like those used in the board game. Those on the scavenger hunt will find a "weapon," such as a keyboard, gym shoes or basketball; a "suspect," who is a park district employee like Executive Director Joe Potts or Finance Director June Fergus; and a location where the pretend crime took place.
Participating families must register at Participants can pick up crime solving bags at the front desk between May 14 and May 18 and the game runs through May 23. Winners will be notified on June 3.
Those who solve the mystery will be entered into a raffle for Clue board games and gift certificates to the park district.
Potts said the campaign is especially useful in highlighting pandemic litter, such as face masks and gloves.
"This is both a reminder for people to clean up after themselves and will help people see more of the park district," Potts said. "It's also an engaging way for people get back outside."