
Wheaton Couples Communication Workshop

Jack Berkemeyer (MDiv, MEd, MA, LCPC), a therapist from the DuPage Pastoral Counseling Center, will present a couples workshop on Sunday, February 26, 2017 from 3 - 5pm at St. Matthew United Church of Christ in Wheaton. The workshop is for all ages, and both married and unmarried committed couples are welcomed to the workshop. The workshop is intended to be a time of learning and renewal.

A presentation by Jack Berkemeyer will introduce the couples to strategies to deal with stressful life changes and how to remove autopilot from their relationship. Following the presentation there will be time for the couples to have a one-on-one discussion and begin implementing these strategies in their own relationship. The couples can expect to learn new tools for handling conflict, begin to create an atmosphere of affirmation for dealing with family stresses and recognize that all relationships change over time.

There is no fee for the workshop and childcare is available. Deadline for registration is February 19. To register, call 630.665.1236 or email with names, address, phone number, email and the number of years in relationship with one another. Additionally, if childcare is needed, leave your children's names and ages.

Jack Berkemeyer (MDiv, MEd, MA and LCPC) is a licensed clinical professional counselor who received a Master of Arts degree in professional counseling from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology. He also holds a Master of Divinity degree from the Athenaeum School of Ohio, a Master of Education degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, and a Master of Arts degree in theology from the University of San Francisco. Additionally, Jack is an Anger Management Specialist and a Gottman Institute Early Marriage Counselor. Jack specializes in working with couples, family systems, and adults with anger, stress, depression, anxiety and sexual addiction. He is the Director of Marriage Ministry at Old St. Patrick's Church in the west loop of Chicago.

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