
New Soaring Feathers Program Introduces Conservation and Birding to Students with Hands-on Activities

The Wildbird Shack in Mount Prospect, Illinois, introduces a dynamic program that awakens students to the wonders and inspiration of outdoor birding while challenging them to nurture the surrounding environment. Soaring Feathers blends nature with an engaging curriculum designed to stimulate multi-sensory responses helping students understand the effects of birding on ecology and relate to the natural world around them.

Captivating birdscaping projects, bird watching clubs and student chats connect students with nature. While actively birdscaping, students gain hands-on knowledge about the birdhouses, feeders, food, baths and plants required to attract the desired variety of wild birds. Bird watching clubs inspire students to record bird sightings and learn bird identification and habits. Student chats ¬address a range of topics including but not limited to attracting a variety of birds to your habitat, strategies for bird identification, the migration patterns of birds, environmental factors affecting birds and questions about birds derived from brainstorming and student experiences. Participating in birding activities spark critical thinking and lead to thoughtful discussion and problem solving.

The Soaring Feathers Program can be specifically designed to a grade level with input from school staff. Birding encourages enjoyment of nature and the outdoors, promotes socialization with other birders and provides mental stimulation through bird identification and behavior study all while lifting spirits. Engaging in birding provides an enriching experience for all children including those with cognitive and developmental delays.

The Wildbird Shack has successfully implemented Soaring Feathers at Euclid School in Mount Prospect. Reading Specialist Barb Michalesko states of the program: "A highlight of our program was when Alyse and Fran visited our club. The students were spellbound as Fran pointed out different birds that visited our courtyard or flew overhead. He and Alyse explained what types of birds would visit our feeders and encouraged high level questioning in a natural, age appropriate discussion."

Michalesko continues, "The Wildbird Shack has helped make our Birding Club a success. We had more students apply for the club than we had space for! The in­depth knowledge and birding experience the staff at Wildbird Shack has increased the environmental literacy at our entire school. We look forward to expanding our bird sanctuary and continuing to work with the Wildbird Shack in the future."

We have worked with several Chicago area schools to bring the multi-sensory experience of birding to their communities. We look forward to working with other local schools, student Earth Clubs or Nature Clubs and any other group interested in embarking on their own birding journey. For more information about our Soaring Feathers Program, please feel free to contact owners Alyse Burman and Paula Levy at 847-873-0409 or by email at The Wildbird Shack is conveniently located in the Chicago suburbs at 854 E. Northwest Highway in Mount Prospect. We welcome discussing your new birding adventure with you!

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