
Suburban lawmakers propose halt to new local goverment

A suburban lawmaker's proposal in Springfield could put a halt to the creation of new units of local government in Illinois.

State Sen. Michael Connelly, a Lisle Republican, says the proposal would put a four-year moratorium on the state's ability to create new layers of local government.

Originally proposed by state Rep. Jack Franks, a Marengo Democrat, the bill would apply statewide "except a unit created as a result of combining, consolidating or annexing previously existing units of government," Connelly said.

This proposal comes at a time when the state is attempting to trim spending and negotiate a budget that would begin July 1. Gov. Bruce Rauner has created a commission to try to consolidate governments.

Future lawmakers could always vote to end the moratorium early, but "we are sending a pretty significant message that if there came an opportunity or circumstance where we had to create a new unit of government, we would have to explain why we're lifting the moratorium or going around the moratorium," Connelly said.

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