

Palatine High School invites you to take trip down the rabbit hole. This fall's production is Lewis Carroll's classic tale of "Alice In Wonderland." The magical story of Alice who follows the white rabbit down the rabbit hole and so begins her journey with encounters that includes the evil Queen of Hearts, Mad Hatter, Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

The talented students of PHS have been hard at work since the beginning of September under the direction of Doug Gross and Jessica Means. "We're excited to bring this story to the community" says PHS teacher, Doug Gross "it's a play that both young and old can understand and enjoy." Co-director, Jessica Means added "Our students are so excited to bring this story to stage and are looking forward to the community coming out to enjoy their performance."

DON'T BE LATE, DON'T BE LATE FOR THIS IMPORTANT DATE! Performances take place on October 16 and 17 at 7pm and October 18 at 2pm in the Algergott Auditorium. Tickets are $7.00 per adult and $5.00 per student. Palatine High School is located at 900 Rohlwing Rd, Palatine, IL Additional information is available on the Facebook event site at

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