
Don’t focus on money in politics

I am writing in response to the first of what will certainly be many articles about how much money candidates for local elected office have raised during the last quarter.

The Daily Herald couldn’t even wait for the filing period to be over on Jan. 17 and printed a story (Susan Sarkauskas’s article on the state Senate District 25 race) based on whether candidates had reported large donations immediately, as required by law.

I, for one, will not be giving any credence to these articles, nor will I determine electability of a candidate based on whether he has deep pockets or friends who are able to buy influence.

I will instead honor those hardworking candidates who are spending time talking to voters at their doors and building organizations of people power based on an honest concern for the critical problems we are facing right now, matched with a deep desire to be part of a solution. I will honor them with my time and resources.

Instead of wasting our time reading this nonsense, I urge you to contact local challengers to the status quo, and offer your time and resources. And please join me in voting in the primary election on March 20, 2012.

Laurel Bault


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