
Former McHenry Co. deputy continues push for investigation of Nygren

A former McHenry County Sheriff's deputy still has yet another chance to persuade a judge to order the county to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate McHenry County Sheriff Keith Nygren.

Judge Thomas Meyer Friday gave Zane Seipler and his attorney two weeks to file another motion asking for the special prosecutor.

The county's attorneys will have 28 days to respond and both sides are due in court Sept. 22 to update Meyer on their progress. Earlier this year, Meyer rejected Seipler's request.

Assistant State's Attorney Don Leist, who is representing the county, said Meyer on Friday dismissed part of Seipler's complaint but accepted other parts.

“It's a situation where the motion was granted in part and denied in part,” Leist said. “I'm not going to say any side can claim victory.”

Seipler wants the county to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his claims that Nygren used county resources and money to further his re-election campaign. Nygren has not been criminally charged with any wrongdoing.

“We're asking that somebody do a criminal investigation,” Seipler said. “(Meyer) would have struck everything if he thought there was no merit to it.”

Nygren fired Seipler in November 2008 for two cases in which Seipler cited passengers — rather than drivers — for petty traffic offenses. A judge and arbitrator ruled the Seipler should get his job back, but Nygren is appealing that move.

Seipler, who ran against Nygren in the 2010 Republican primary and has filed a federal lawsuit saying he was retaliated against after complaining about racial profiling, said his push for an investigation would still be on even if he was back at work.

“I signed on to do the right thing and serve and protect,” Seipler said. “There's a lot of things going on and things that are going on that are wrong. If you're doing something criminal, you're doing something criminal and someone has to do something about it.”

Zane Seipler
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