
COD Library offers online SOS Workshops

The College of DuPage Library will offer three online SOS Workshops in June. The free webinars include a live online presentation and interaction with other participants.

“Introduction to BusinessDecision Database” is offered from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, June 16. Participants learn how the database enables users to research consumer market data, demographic data and market segmentation.

“Cite it Right with NoodleBib” is offered from 1 to 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 21. Participants learn how the program helps with note-taking and bibliography compilation.

“ Software Training Videos,” is offered from 6 to7 p.m. Wednesday, June 22. Participants learn how to obtain unlimited access to online software and training videos through the Library via

Registration for each webinar is required. For more information, call the Library at (630) 942-3364, or visit:

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