
Church holds peace discussion

Peace is a priority with Ann Frisch and Osvaldo Vena, and their stories offer concrete ways to participate in peacemaking.

On Saturday, Jan. 15, from 9 to 11:30 a.m., Congregational United Church of Christ, 1001 W. Kirchoff in Arlington Heights, hosts “Make Peace a Priority,” the first event in a yearlong series in Search for Workable Peace.

The seminar features Osvaldo Vena, professor of New Testament Interpretation at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, who engages in peacemaking through art and music; and Ann Frisch, retired professor of Education and Human Services at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh who served as an unarmed peacekeeper in Guatemala protecting defenders of women's human rights.

“Make Peace a Priority” addresses important questions raised by the universal call for peace amidst unrelenting violence in the world. Multimedia presentation will include a video from Nonviolent Peaceforce and music composed by Vena. Discussion session includes Vena's presentation on the theological and Biblical basis for focus on peacemaking and an explanation by Frisch of the value of nonviolence in areas torn by strife.

The program is funded by a grant from the Justice and Witness Ministry of the Illinois Conference for the United Church of Christ. Co-sponsors include the Lombard Mennonite Center for Peace and the Cluster Churches in the UCC Chicago Metropolitan Association.

The Nonviolent Peaceforce has headquarters in Brussels and peaceworkers in several conflict zones. The organization has the endorsement of multiple individuals including Noble Peace Prize laureates Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, and Lech Walesa. Future events in the "Search for Workable Peace" series include a Teach-In for Peace, March 18-19, featuring experts in the “hot spots” (Afghanistan, the Middle East), in peace making and non-violence.

The public is invited to attend. Attendance is free. For additional information, call Congregational UCC at (847) 392-6650 or visit

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