
Nybo has earned support of the party

The state representative race in the 41st District is being contested in a primary for the first time in years. As a Republican committeeman who has watched this race carefully, there is a clear choice in this race. Three of the five candidates are fellow committeemen as is the retiring incumbent, Bob Biggins, who has done a great job representing us.

There's a reason that the overwhelming majority of committeemen are supporting Chris Nybo. We know him, we know all of the others and we know what kind of character, intellect, energy and values it takes to change the culture in Springfield.

We've enjoyed strong leadership with Bob Biggins and we know Chris Nybo is the candidate best-suited to pick up that mantle. We cannot change the course of state government until we send the best equipped people to do it. Join me in supporting Chris Nybo for state representative.

Bill Ware


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