
Friend to taxpayers, open government

Declining home values, mortgages underwater, escalating credit card debt, pay cuts, job losses, foreclosures, bankruptcies and despair. Two years ago the average Lombardian would have never thought this could be reality where we live.

Sadly, it's all too true. To add insult to injury we have a failing, disconnected, out-of-control state government with overly ambitious politicians who don't hesitate to increase property and sales taxes, add on layers of bureaucracy, decrease funding for education and, to top it off, grant themselves pay increases all on our dwindling dime.

In the 41st District state representative race, Lombardians have the opportunity to put things back in order by voting for Brien Sheahan. Brien is the only candidate in the race with a distinguished record of consistently voting against property and sales tax increases as well as opening up the books to wasteful government spending in the face of political adversity.

As the Daily Herald has said, Brien Sheahan is "a friend to taxpayers and a champion of open government." Brien represents the common sense values all Lombardians' share. It's for that reason Brien has voted against pay raises for county board members, returned over $15,000 in county salary and benefits, and refused to accept over $3,000 as a bonus for chairing a committee. We need this kind of strong and proven leadership in Springfield.

Brad Janisch


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