
For 41st District, GOP: Sheahan

With longtime state Rep. Bob Biggins stepping down, the Republican primary has attracted a wide field of intriguing candidates seeking to represent state House District 41.

Both Brien Sheahan of Elmhurst and Michael Manzo of Oak Brook bring experience that would be useful in Springfield as Republicans in a state House dominated by Democrats.

Sheahan, a former aide to Gov. Jim Edgar, has fought for responsible spending and accountability on the DuPage County Board since 2002. We previously praised him as a friend to taxpayers and champion of open government.

Oak Brook resident Michael Manzo has helped wage the Republican battle in Democrat-controlled Cook County as chief of staff to Commissioner Tony Peraica.

Conservative blogger, commentator and author Matt Burden of LaGrange Park brings an impressive resume that includes a 20-year Army career, an MBA, a master's in computer science and stints advising the Bush and Obama administrations on military issues. Burden can articulate his conservative position convincingly and would be a strong candidate.

But Sheahan, who has stressed transparency since his 2004 charge to get agendas and supporting materials posted on the county Web site, has the advantage because he is running on his own record as an elected official. While he is more conservative than we prefer on social issues, reform-minded Sheahan's independence and commitment to good government would be valuable. Sheahan is endorsed.

Elmhurst Alderman Chris Nybo is trying to make the leap to state politics after two years on the city council. Rafael Rivadeneira of Elmhurst has served on the DuPage County Regional Planning Commission. Both need more municipal experience before making the jump to the state arena, where their inexperience likely would render them ineffective.

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