
Fake snow in forecast for Lisle's Four Lakes

Suburban snow bunnies should be able to hit the slopes in Lisle as soon as Wednesday with a little cooperation from Mother Nature.

Wanda Mariscel, property manager at Lisle's Four Lakes, said she hopes to have new transformers, replacing equipment destroyed in a June fire, installed Friday to power the ski hill's four snow makers. Once they're powered up, Mariscel said the machines will run for about 48 hours, ideally in temperatures below 28 degrees.

"Conditions will be ideal as soon as we have three to four days of continuous blowing," she said. "And if we happen to get some real snow during that time, it could only help."

Mariscel said Four Lakes, 5790 Forest View Road, has been hurt in recent weeks because it hasn't been able to take advantage of the ideal temperatures to make snow.

"Sometimes we've been able to open as early as Dec. 1 and sometimes we've had to wait as late as Jan. 1," she said, "So we're not as far behind as it may seem."

Mariscel said skiers have been calling continuously for weeks inquiring about the snow situation. When conditions are ideal, she said Four Lakes will put out an "e-mail blast."

She also encouraged skiers to check the Web site, for updates.

"We're just as eager to get snow on the hills as they are," she said. "It should be any day now."

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