
2 incumbents, 2 newcomers for Fremont District 79

The Fremont Elementary District 79 school board has managed the district's finances well, and as a result the district has a solid financial reserve to help it weather turbulent economic times.

The next board will choose a replacement for retiring Superintendent Rick Taylor and negotiate a new teacher contract - and it needs the knowledge and experience of incumbents David A. Natzke and Eric F. Dahlinger. We endorse both men, who share a commitment to providing the best education for the district's children within its taxpayers' means. Veteran board member Arthur Weller is unopposed for a two-year term.

Natzke is chairman of the board's finance committee and headed the board's negotiation committee during the last teacher contract talks.

For the other two seats, our choices are Jason Bonds and Glen T. Gustafson. Both have a business background and are well-versed on the issues. Bonds has been enthusiastically preparing himself, attending board and committee meetings and talking with stakeholders. Gustafson's experience negotiating contracts could help the district take advantage of favorable pricing in this economic downturn.

Julie Testin describes herself as a parent who cares about her child's school, and we encourage her to stay involved.

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