
Vote for change in Vernon Township

I recently attended Vernon Township's monthly meeting, hoping to participate in an open dialogue about the 2009-2010 budget. I was very disappointed. Sadly, the constituents in the audience were excluded from the discussion. On the meeting's agenda, "audience participation" was the fifth item while the "proposed budget" was thirteenth. How could I participate without knowing what was in the budget proposal?

Apparently, another member of the audience shared this concern. During the only point in the meeting when questions were entertained, he asked for a copy of the proposed budget. Supervisor Peterson told him there was a copy on the hallway bulletin board. Later, during the meeting, the man discovered no copy was there. When the meeting adjourned, he inquired and Mr. Peterson claimed a "miscommunication" and gave him a copy. What happened to the Township Citizen's Party's claim of advocating for an open dialogue with residents? On April 7, I plan to vote for the change Vernon Township needs, a change to a transparent, progressive and fiscally responsible government. I am going to vote for Sam Flint, Peter Hopkins and the entire Vernon Democrats For Change slate. I encourage you to do the same.

Lori Degman

Vernon Hills

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