
As Hanover proves, townships needed

As the New Year begins, it implies a new beginning, a fresh start, a chance to learn from the past. And as we look into our past its only fair to recognize our accomplishments.

I have had the distinct honor of serving on the Hanover Township Board for the past eight years and have been a part of many great accomplishments during those eight years. But in reality the real credit goes to our highly talented staff and employees. They are the true heroes in township government. They are the true purveyors of township services.

True, the Town Board provides direction, inspires and guides the township staff, but the real down and dirty tasks are preformed by employees of Hanover Township. Without their efforts Hanover Township would not be the shining example of township government that it is.

Township government has been criticized as unnecessary, outdated and redundant. Some even call for the abolishment of township government. This would be a huge mistake, especially here in Hanover Township.

In these hard times hundreds of people are being serviced by our food pantry. Our youth and family services department provides help to the families of our community to a level unseen in the private sector. Our seniors department and community health nurse provide activities and looks after the well-being of our elderly population.

The benefits of township government go on and on as do the services. If not for township government these needs and services would have to be the responsibility of some other governmental agency or cease to exist all together. What a tragedy that would be.

So as 2009 takes it's seat at the table of time, I doff my hat to the staff of Hanover Township for their fine performance in 2008. Thanks for making us look so good.

I'm certain in 2009 the Hanover Township staff will continue to serve the community with pride and unparalleled excellence.

Robert J. Goffinski


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