
Thanks for turnout in Aurora Township

I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the Republicans, independents and new voters who turned out on cold night to elect our Republican township officers slate for the April election. Al Heriaud (supervisor) Davis Offutt (assessor) Mark Semmler (highway commissioner) and Buzz Foley (clerk) will join Dr. Monica Silva, Harry Childress, Penny Falcon and David Luna (trustees) on a slate that will put the emphasis of township government back where it truly belongs, on the people they will serve. New and improved senior and youth programs will bring services to even more citizens without raising taxes. A Web site devoted to township road programs will alert residents about inclimate weather and hazardous road conditions, while also seeking input from residents about their roads.

This slate of candidates stands ready to serve and was elected in a fair and orderly manner that reflects the dignity and professionalism our candidates will bring to office.

Bill Wyatt

Aurora Township GOP Chairman

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