
Overspending will destroy us

Perhaps the “housing bubble” burst affected the judgment of the people we elected to represent us. They felt there was unlimited cash available but realized they could get re-elected if they just brought home the bacon.

People don’t have to take responsibility, because the government can do the job, even though the people lose a little freedom and money in the process. The result of this thinking is too many programs, too many big government jobs and pensions, with no good judgment as to the cost to the taxpayer.

This has contributed greatly to our debt at a time when we are fighting a war against those who want to destroy us and our unique, wonderful constitution. Spend only if affordable and not stupid.

The overspending by many officials places our country in a self-destructive mode that endangers our constitution and survival for future generations. Overspending brought down the USSR and it is a real threat to the United States if we do not stand up to reality and eliminate programs we cannot afford.

Constitutional and entitlement obligations must be prioritized. Tough choices must be made so we are not faced with unspeakable calamity with irresponsible debt.

Do we have the character and smarts to save the United States with the freedom we inherited? If not, we are guilty of self destruction. I believe that good character and our inherited self-reliance will allow the United States to prevail. Let’s be smart and prevail.

Jack Van Acker
