Articles filed under Dundee Township Park District
Dundee Township Park District to host preschool open houseDec 31, 2024 5:09 pm - Dundee Township Park District preschools host open houses in January for families to meet staff, tour facilities, and learn curriculum before February enrollment.
Randall Oaks Zoo celebrates 60 years of animals and wonderAug 16, 2024 11:18 am - Randall Oaks Zoo is celebrating its 60th anniversary, commemorating six decades of conservation, education, and unforgettable family fun.
Survey says two pools; but Dundee Township Park District questions if that’s doableAug 02, 2024 3:38 pm - Dundee Township Park District commissioners want to meet with its advisory committee to get more information regarding the group’s recommendation to get cost estimates on building two pools.
Dundee Township surveys residents on aquatic needsJun 10, 2024 5:22 pm - Dundee Township Park District wants to know what its residents think about the potential for another pool or aquatic center.
Pulling the plug: Dundee Township Park District won't reopen Sleepy Hollow poolOct 19, 2023 1:00 am - Sleepy Hollow pool will not reopen next summer. Water loss and a 60-year-old pool shell that literally is crumbling apart led to Wednesday's unanimous decision by the D...
Saving a summer tradition: Sleepy Hollow residents fight for poolSep 29, 2023 5:30 am - Water loss and a 60-year-old pool shell literally crumbling apart could spell an end to a community pool in Sleepy Hollow. Park officials on Wednesday laid out the pool...
Randall Oaks Zoo seeking scarecrow sponsors for Fall FestivalAug 09, 2023 11:00 pm - Help the Randall Oaks Zoo get into the fall spirit by sponsoring a scarecrow to be displayed during Fall Festival, Sept. 23 to Oct. 29. Area businesses, organizations, a...
Kite Fly set for April 29 in West DundeeApr 24, 2023 1:00 am - Dundee Township Park District is hosting a Kite Fly from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 29, at Randall Oaks Recreation Center, 500 N. Randall Road, West Dundee. Bring y...
Here's how to celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day in the suburbsApr 20, 2023 5:30 am - Earth Day is Saturday, April 22, with Arbor Day soon to follow on April 28. A variety of suburban events offer opportunities to learn about the environment, get tips on ...
Sponsor a holiday tree for Randall Oaks Zoo's WinterfestOct 23, 2022 11:00 pm - Help the Randall Oaks Zoo get into the holiday spirit by sponsoring a tree to be displayed during Winterfest, Dec. 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18. Area businesses, organizations...
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