
Help Signal Hill, NSDAR, Honor All Veterans Interred at Evergreen Cemetery

For the previous four years, the Barrington-based Signal Hill Chapter, NSDAR, has undertaken the task of raising funds to purchase individual wreaths for the community's Wreaths Across America Day at Evergreen Cemetery, 600 Dundee Avenue, in Barrington, IL. This year's event will take place on Saturday, December 16th, and the chapter asks for your help.

As with all things, the price of a wreath has increased from $15.00 to $17.00. While local DAR members privately donate toward the event costs, and local businesses and groups will donate, there is a known total of nearly 800 graves to be covered. Unfortunately, that number increases every year.

In addition to community participation, the chapter asks that individuals who could afford to purchase a wreath for general placement please visit

If you would like to purchase a wreath for specific placement for a loved one, but cannot attend, a DAR member will be honored to do the placement on your behalf. Should we reach our goal, any additional monies will be banked for the following year. The chapter also encourages community participation on the day of the event. Following a brief memorial service, citizens of the community will be encouraged to place wreaths on the nearly 800 identified Veterans' graves at Evergreen.

Signal Hill, NSDAR is a Barrington based chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. The 501(c)3 organization is dedicated to historical preservation, promotion of education, and encouragement of patriotic endeavors. For more information about membership requirements, the local chapter and its goals and accomplishments, please visit

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