
Summer Reading starts June 1 at Northbrook Public Library

We invite you to sign up, read books, and win prizes with our Summer Reading Program! Prizes and reading goals are tailored to different age groups, so there's something for everyone. You can sign up online at or at the library starting June 1.

This year, our Summer Reading theme is "Find Your Voice," and we have some great programs at the library throughout the summer that give you the chance to do just that, including concerts, book discussions, movies, and more.

To kick off Summer Reading, we invite you to go on a fun scavenger hunt around the library on June 1-7 for the chance to win one of three $100 gift cards to a local business. And while you're here, make sure to sign up for Summer Reading and pick up an exclusive "Find Your Voice" car magnet, while supplies last.

For questions about the program, visit or call 847-272-6224. Happy reading!

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