
Mount Prospect Arbor Day Ceremony Cancelled

The Mount Prospect Public Works Department has cancelled this year's Arbor Day ceremony. The event was to be held at Robert Frost Elementary School, located at 1805 Aspen Drive, on Friday April 24th. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 related closures and social distancing requirements, the ceremony has been cancelled.

The Village was to commemorate the recent receipt of the Tree City USA (TCU) Award from the Arbor Day foundation in Nebraska. This is the 35th consecutive year Mount Prospect has received the TCU Award for the Village's urban forestry program.

"Planting a tree at a school is always a special way to celebrate Arbor Day," stated Dave Hull, Mount Prospect's Forestry and Grounds Superintendent. "It's disappointing that we've had to cancel the event this year, but I hope that we can come back next year and hold our traditional Arbor Day Ceremony with Robert Frost Elementary School." stated Hull.

Tree planting information can be obtained from Public Works. Interested citizens should call 847-870-5640, for the latest information about diversified tree species that are appropriate for planting in our area.

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