
Readers reap rewards with summer library 'club'

Just as teachers are closing up classrooms at the end of the school year, the staff at Vernon Area Public Library in Lincolnshire are getting ready for a typically busy summer season. Throughout June and July the library goes the extra mile to encourage reading and other enriching activities through its all-ages summer library club. The program offers rewards like coupons for treats from local businesses and new books.

Patrons sign up for the summer library club beginning June 1, then keep tally of their reading, watching, listening and event attendance to score prizes. Participants may sign up any time and have until July 31 to complete the program and earn rewards.

The annual "club" is similar to those at libraries throughout Chicagoland and across the nation - designed to boost community involvement with the library during warm weather months, when family calendars ease. Studies show that students who read when school is out continue to learn, avoiding "summer slide," the loss of educational progress made during the previous academic year.

Throughout May, Vernon Area Public Library staff worked in partnership with five area schools to get the word out about the program. A team of children's librarians created a stop motion video on this year's theme, "Reading Takes You Everywhere," and showcased it in 16 presentations to more than 2,500 children.

"The idea is to get students excited to read anything they like, since it's summer and they get to choose," explained Rachel Shulman, head of youth services at Vernon Area. She and her staff often work with children and their parents to guide kids to books that are right for them. "Connecting readers with books is what the library is all about," Shulman said.

A kickoff event on Saturday, June 2, includes a drop-in family maker lab from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. On Sunday, June 3, adults get their own launch event with the world music ensemble Lamajamal performing classical, folk and sacred music at 1 p.m. The events are free and open to the public. Registration is requested for the Sunday concert.

A finale is slated for Saturday, July 28, when Grammy nominee Justin Roberts performs a family music concert at 11 a.m. The event is free and open to the public. Registration is required.

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