Izzy Kharasch
2025 promises to be better year for restaurants and dinersFeb 05, 2025 9:36 am - The restaurant world was thrown into turmoil during COVID and then things got worse! Rapidly rising prices, food shortages, supply chain issues, severe lack of staff, lower sales, increased payroll — and all of that is just the tip of the COVID iceberg. However, after all this time the sun is beginning to shine.
The psychology of restaurant menus and what influences our food choicesJan 08, 2025 9:29 am - How much impact does menu design have on what we order at a restaurant? A lot.
How does saying ‘no’ to customers help business?Dec 12, 2024 2:17 pm - Whether it comes from a restaurant, hotel or retail store, telling customers “no” is bad for business. As consumers, when we’re on the receiving end of a “no,” it makes us not want to return.
A memorable experience is not about moneyDec 04, 2024 10:26 am - A quality experience has nothing to do with dollars spent. I was inspired to write this article because of this roll of toilet paper. Ask yourself, before reading the re...
Even more changes coming our way in hospitalityNov 13, 2024 10:47 am - Since COVID, technology in the restaurant industry has moved at lighting speed. I believe the changes we have seen would have been years in the making if we did not experience COVID.
Restaurant tipping is not what you thinkOct 09, 2024 9:45 am - Sometimes you tip at a restaurant, sometimes you give a gratuity and more and more you’re paying a service charge. What happens to that money?
A day in the life of a serverSep 25, 2024 9:21 am - These days we dine outside the home more than we dine in the home. Because of this I think we take our servers for granted and don’t appreciate the extremely hard job they have.
Are you seeing more security in restaurants?Aug 20, 2024 1:45 pm - I’m seeing restaurants and bars move away from the traditional bouncer toward professional security. Why? It’s a question of not only guest safety, but also the survival of the business.
Today’s employees are different — and not in a good wayAug 14, 2024 7:51 am - Hospitality is a tough industry, no question about it. But it’s being made tougher by a new breed of employees, more of whom are coming to us post-COVID with unrealistic expectations and a sense of entitlement — even if they have zero experience.
The cost of a ‘free’ basket of chips at your favorite Mexican restaurantJul 24, 2024 8:43 am - I’m starting to lose patience with guests whose constant whining is that “prices are going up” and “I don’t get anything for free anymore.” These are guests I would like to talk to directly and find out where they are getting their free gas and where they are shopping at stores that still have 2019 prices.
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