
Jennifer Buczkiewicz: 2023 candidate for Medinah Elementary District 11 school board


Town: Medinah

Age on Election Day: 47

Occupation: Teacher

Employer: Berkeley school district 87

Previous offices held: None


Q: Why are you running for this office, whether for reelection or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you?

A: I want to be involved in the decision making process about my daughter's school district. I also would like to be a voice for the community.

Q: What is the role of the school board in setting and monitoring curriculum?

A: The school board approves the selected curriculum to pilot for the district and children. They monitor the progress of the program throughout the year.

Q: Are there curriculum issues within the district that you feel need particular attention from the board?

A: Curriculum is ever changing and should follow the common core standards. I feel the reading program could undergo newer curriculum.

Q: How do you view your role in confronting policy or curriculum controversies: provide leadership even if unpopular, give a voice to constituents - even ones with whom you disagree, or defer to state authorities?

A: I feel as if the community needs a strong voice. I will advocate for the children and the voice of the community.

Q: Concerns are growing regarding a new resurgence of the pandemic. If another massive outbreak of infectious disease occurs, what have we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that will guide your decision making?

A: Safety is the top priority. The school and families need to work together to provide a strong solid base that will make everyone feel comfortable.

Q: Describe your experience working in a group setting to determine policy. What is your style in such a setting to reach agreement and manage school district policy? Explain how you think that will be effective in producing effective actions and decisions of your school board.

A: While working on school committees it is important to be a team player. Working together, listening to everyone's input is essential. Then final outcome is for the betterment of the children, staff and family members.

Q: What makes you the best candidate for the job?

A: Being a Mom, working in a classroom and being a member in the community. All of these pieces make me the best candidate.

Q: What's one good idea you have to better your district that no one is talking about yet?

A: Community involvement

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