
Graffiti containing racial slurs found under Mount Prospect bridge

Police are investigating after a racial slur was written repeatedly in large letters underneath a bridge in Mount Prospect on New Year's Day.

The word was scrawled on the support structure and along the walls of the George Street bridge over Weller Creek, authorities said. A racist message also was written under the bridge.

Mount Prospect police said they were alerted to the vandalism about 2:45 p.m. Sunday. They ask that anyone with information or video footage that might assist in identifying the vandals to call the police department at (847) 870-5656.

The graffiti was removed Monday by the Mount Prospect Public Works Department.

"It's unacceptable and it has been abated," Village Manager Michael Cassady said.

Mount Prospect resident Ronak McFadden, who lives in the neighborhood, took photos of the vandalism after being alerted by a neighbor. Because the graffiti was underneath the bridge, it was not easily visible to those crossing the bridge on foot or by car.

"It's disheartening to see in our community," McFadden said. "Even though Mount Prospect is a nice place, I know there are some people who still think that these words are fun to use and do not grasp the hateful meaning of these words."

The graffiti comes at a time when the village is engaged in diversity, equity and inclusion work.

"There is a reason this DEI work needs to happen," McFadden said, adding that she believes there is a need to have more open and honest conversations about race in the community.

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