
Schaumburg nearing final go-ahead for two-day Septemberfest

Schaumburg trustees are poised to give final approval to a scaled-back, two-day version of Septemberfest over Labor Day weekend, but they'll also consider a list of potential cost cuts and new fees Tuesday to reduce expected financial losses.

Mayor Tom Dailly said he envisions the changes already agreed upon - including dropping the Labor Day parade and the arts and crafts fair - to be one-time moves justified by the need to bring the community back together without waiting another year.

"It's going to cost the village some money. Our goal is usually to break even," Dailly said. "Hopefully in 2022, we're back to a full Septemberfest, walking the parade and throwing that candy out."

Expenses for the 2021 Septemberfest under current recommendations are estimated at $346,400, while revenues are ballparked at $116,100.

Schaumburg Cultural Services Director Jack Netter said about 10 or 11 restaurants from the village will participate, and to make their involvement as attractive as possible, no village fees would be imposed this year.

The shuttle service to and from the Schaumburg Township Elementary District 54 parking lot across the street from the municipal grounds would also be streamlined, with no stops along the route or in the parking lots of Addams Junior High and Schaumburg and Conant high schools.

The availability of food and toilet facilities is now being planned for crowds larger than first anticipated when discussions of a 2021 Septemberfest began in April, Netter said.

A fireworks show is planned for Sunday, Sept. 5. No rain date is planned currently, in order to avoid a potential conflict with the Schaumburg Boomers' fireworks show scheduled Sept. 4, but that is still under discussion, he said.

The list of potential cost cuts and revenue enhancements Netter presented to trustees this week was not immediately commented on, but they may play a role in Tuesday's final approval. The possible reductions added up to $52,750, including saving $19,500 by skipping the fireworks.

The potential extra revenue sources totaled $48,000, half of which could be attained by charging a $5 admission fee for the main stage musical performances, which have not yet been contracted.

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