
Spring Hill Mall future remains an issue for West Dundee trustee candidates

Despite years of discussion and debate, the future of the beleaguered Spring Hill Mall remains an election issue in West Dundee.

The five trustee candidates vying for three four-year seats in the April 6 consolidated election — incumbents Cheryl Anderley and Dan Wilbrandt, and newcomers Cheryl Alopogianis, Pamela Carr Hagerman and Bob Sample — offer different visions for the site.

Wilbrandt remembers talking about the mall's future during election interviews eight years ago, and in recent years the village has seen the closing of anchor stores J.C. Penney, Sears, Macy's and Carson Pirie Scott. Kohl's, Barnes and Noble, the Cinemark theater and some of the interior stores remain.

As big-box retail possibilities fade, Wilbrandt favors creating a “downtown-esque” feel that features the mix of a residential and retail presence with restaurants and an anchor location such as a library, theater or school.

“The plan for the mall moving forward is to completely take a different look at how we do retail,” he said.

Anderley and Sample believe senior housing is a potential answer for the site, something Anderley feels is needed in the village.

“I'm a baby boomer and there's a lot of us here,” she said. “And we need somewhere to go.”

Sample cites examples from throughout the country of malls being converted into senior communities. He sees that same potential for Spring Hill Mall.

“What's been proving with these is that senior citizens like to stay where they are,” he said. “I think this is something that has to be looked at. And we can't go with the old status quo.”

Hagerman would like to see the village think outside the box and consider future needs for e-commerce facilities or perhaps even a film or television studio.

Alopogianis would like the site to remain a place for the community to gather, perhaps as a sports complex.

Each candidate agrees the future of the site must be prioritized to transform what used to be a vibrant shopping destination.

“Initially we had thought that we can bring the mall back to what it was and retail was going to be here to stay,” Wilbrandt said. “But as we found out, that has changed. Not just in the village of West Dundee but worldwide.”

Cheryl Alopogianis
Cheryl Anderley
Pamela Carr Hagerman
Bob Sample
Dan Wilbrandt
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