York Community High School
<h3 class="breakHead">Graduates in Class of 2020: Approximately 720</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Class presidents: Murphy McFarlane, student body president; and James (J.J.) Hennessy, senior class president</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Academic achievements: </h3>
• ACT Perfect Score: Dylan Mahoney and Allison Splitstone.
• National Merit Finalists: Matthew Splitstone, Dylan Mahoney, Aaron Ludkowski, John Devine, James Sampson, Paige Szipszky, Allison Splitstone, Timothy Hradil and Kol Rollins.
• National Merit Commended: William Ahern, Anna Araujo, Molly Braun, Leo Brigham, Jacob Caffrey, Caleb Choi, Caroline Collins, Katherine Czernik, Emily Dow, Samuel Heinz, Gregory Hradil, Maya Iyer, Brian Kelley, Emma Kern, Ethan Kern, Caroline Kness, Mary Kritikos, Kevin Lawrence, Aaron Leshuk-Morita, George Nolley, Ethan Oder, Brian Pratt, Ruby Schwan, Karlene Stanton, Matthew Tully, Emily Walker, Maya Wlodarczyk, and Filip Zachwieja.
• National AP Scholar: Dylan Mahoney
<h3 class="breakHead">Athletic achievements: Boys cross country, 3rd Place State; Melissa Cartis and Gianna Nikoleit placed 10th in girls tennis; Melissa Cartis won Sportsmanship Award for tennis; Josh Mathiasen, ninth at state for wrestling; and Josh Labounty, third, and Matt Buckley, sixth, for boys golf</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Extracurricular achievements: Scholastic Bowl Team won their regional; Speech Team qualified nine in individual events and performance in the round for state.</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Theater productions: "Twelfth Night," "Winter Festival-Crazy Uncle Fest: Uncle Vanya and Life Sucks"; and "Jesus Christ Superstar" (canceled due to school closures)</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">King and Queen of Couch winners: "Fruit of the Dukes" with Jake Hansmann, Sean Solem, Sebastian Rohn and Will Ahern.</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Homecoming theme: "Lights, Camera, Dukes"</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">What was new for the Class of 2020: Creation of INCubator Lab and Manufacturing Lab</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Principal's reflections on the Class of 2020: York Community High School's Class of 2020 is one of the most resilient that I have witnessed. These students have literally ended high school in the most adverse situation any of us have ever endured. Yet, they have done it with grace and with dignity. Those words describe this class perfectly. From incredible school spirit, to playful humor, to unwavering dedication to the school and the staff, and to tacit leadership; they have proven to be impactful role models to the entire student body. Just last spring, this class experienced "Snow Prom 2019." One might think this dampened their spirits, but it did quite the opposite! They celebrated that unique experience through exquisite pictures, camaraderie and fun. That is what this class is so adept at: making the very most of extraordinarily challenging situations. I am so proud of them and so honored to have led them. To the class of 2020, I say, hats off. You should be very, very proud. You will make all the difference in a world that consistently challenges you to be your best! </h3>
- Principal Erin DeLuga