Willowbrook High School
<h3 class="breakHead">Graduates in Class of 2020: About 500</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Graduation Speakers: Talhah Waheed and Eric Hoda</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Class President: Talhah Waheed</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">District 88's Best recipients: Eric Hoda, Samuel (Sam) Bruns, Stacy Caeiro, Christopher Vazquez, Ayesha Baig, Everett Stubblefield III, Jack Carey, Emma Cismesia and Samuel (Sam) Tumilty. </h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Departmental Recognitions of Outstanding Students: Kaitlyn Walker (Art), Ashlei Mayweather (Career and Technical Education), Vincenzo Ledonne II (Math), Liam Riesen (Music), Sara Fitzgibbon (Science), Chloe Harr (World Languages), Elizabeth McBride (Art), Karli Wilson (Career and Technical Education), Emma Cismesia (Music), Sandy Orizaba (World Languages), Brandon Guillemette (Art), Abdelrahman Alkurdi (Career and Technical Education), Luke Matasek (Math), Kevin Valois Gomez (Music), Samuel (Sam) Tumilty (Physical Education), Priscilla DelValle (Career and Technical Education), Hannah Martens (Career and Technical Education), Eric Hoda (English), Shannon Knudtson (English), Hania Mosbah (Learning Services), Katherine Tortorici (Math), Pearl Hosman (Music), Veronica Bukac (Social Studies), Kelsey Fitzgerald (Social Studies), Christina Gomez (Social Studies), Chloe Devens (World Languages), Jaqueline Hernandez (World Languages)</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">National Merit Scholarship Program Commended: Grace Placek and Emma Staunton</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Illinois State Scholars: Emily Alessandri, Ayesha Baig. Keri Bartels, Kayla Beitzel, Luke Borri, Samuel Bruns, Veronika Bukac, Stacy Caeiro, Jack Carey, Cyruson Cho, Collin Chuk, Erika Dahlstrand, Priscilla DelValle, Chloe Devens, Batool Elagha, Sheikh Faysal, Kelsey Fitzgerald, Sara Fitzgibbon, Elizabeth Florey. Jessica Franco. Kate Gargano. Brandon Heselton, Eric Hoda, Jake Jagiello, Emma Kamm, Shannon Knudtson, Dale Landas, Fiona Lashmet, Colin Lavery, Vincenzo Ledonne II, Luke Matasek, Caden Mielke, Cody Milas, Fiona Murphy, Emily O'Brochta, Grace Placek, Logan Rattana, Elizabeth Romero, Carter Schenke, Kevin Seberger, Alexander Shaults, Emma Staunton, Elizabeth Swastek, Katherine Tortorici, Samuel Tumilty, Jessica Vargas, Talhah Waheed, Clare Wangler, Mason Watkins, Karli Wilson, Logan Zywicki</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Athletic achievements: </h3>
• Football team advanced to the IHSA 7A semifinals for the first time since 1975; Sam Tumilty, Illinois HS Football Coaches Association (IHSFCA) All State, Daily Herald Red Grange Award Winner.
• The Special Olympics Volleyball Team competed in the Special Olympics Illinois Fall Games.
• Girls bowling IHSA state tournament qualifier; • Makaylah Jones, three-time IHSA Regional Champion.
• Everett Stubblefield III - IHSFCA All State Honorable Mention, Illinois Basketball Coaches Association All State 3rd team. Everett joins Willowbrook alumnus Tom Hicks as the only athletes to earn all state in football and basketball.
<h3 class="breakHead">Extracurricular achievements: </h3>
• Illinois Music Education Association All-State Musicians: Emma Cismesia (Honors Chorus, Alto 1) and Emma Staunton (Honors Chorus, Alto II); ILMEA Composition Contest Honoree: Kevin Valois Gomez
• IHSA Girls Basketball State Tournament national anthem singer: Emma Cismesia
• IHSA Speech State Tournament qualifier: Chloe Devens (Extemporaneous Speaking)
• High School Top Tech Challenge: Erick Krenzel and Gabriel Yu finished in 6th place at Universal Technical Institute (UTI)'s High School Top Tech Challenge
• Indiana Model United Nations Conference: Sandy Orizaba earned 4th place in Verbal Commendation for representing the Russian Federation in the World Health Organization
• Business Professionals of America (BPA) National Leadership Conference qualifiers: Jack Carey and Talhah Waheed
• Illinois High School Art Exhibition (IHSAE) - Valentina Giron, Zoe Walton, Kaitlyn Walker and Elizabeth McBride received $88,000 in scholarship offers from multiple colleges and universities; McBride earned 2nd place in the Mini Art Throwdown, which featured 40 visual art students in a live figure-drawing competition.
<h3 class="breakHead">Theater productions: "Mamma Mia!!," "Arsenic and Old Lace," "Boy" (spring play - not performed due to school closure)</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Homecoming King and Queen: Nasar Ashar and Ellie King</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Homecoming theme: "Night of a Thousand Lights" </h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Notable visitors: State Rep. Deb Conroy; state Sen. Tom Cullerton; Samir Mayekar, a former director of national security personnel at the White House; Best Buddies Illinois Ambassador Molly Wiesman; Tom Higgenson and Tim Lopez from the Plain White T's (the band formed in 1997 in Lombard, and Higgenson is an alumnus of Willowbrook, class of 1997).</h3>
<h3 class="breakHead">Principal's reflections on the Class of 2020: The Class of 2020 has consistently demonstrated a commitment and dedication to success in and out of the classroom throughout their career at Willowbrook High School. They have met adversity and challenges head on, achieving goals and accomplishments together as a class and as a family. We are proud of each of our Warriors and excited to hear of the milestones they will reach in their years beyond Willowbrook. </h3>
- Principal Daniel Krause