Letters to the editor
O'Hare troubles just keep growing
Thank you, Daily Herald, for your continued investigation of the inner workings of the O'Hare expansion plan.
Your July 10 editorial, "O'Hare doubts in search of answers," and the July 19 article, "Public, private ties that bind?" continue to shed light on the huge concerns surrounding O'Hare expansion. Our experts warned from the beginning that the O'Hare expansion project will fail to deliver the promised benefits to the region. In addition, we have been concerned that the intentions of elected supporters have not been in the best interest of the Chicago region.
As the Daily Herald reported, O'Hare expansion is faced with a monumental funding shortfall, an ever-growing timeline, and an over reliance on two private corporations (United and American Airlines).
What has Chicago's response been to these facts? Chicago shrugs its shoulders and gives a curt reply that this is what happens when working on a public works project of this magnitude.
More disheartening are the civic leaders who continue to have the appearance of a conflict of interest by intermixing their private interests with the public duties. Your July 20 article tying Robert Schillerstrom's sudden flip to support O'Hare expansion to major personal business dealings is one example.
Who would have thought that Chicago's questionable political ties would have infiltrated the respected government of DuPage County? It certainly appears that the well-being and financial livelihoods of many DuPage County residents was sold for the personal enrichment of an elected official. How many public policy makers have put their personal best interests above the long-term interests of northeastern Illinois by supporting an unworkable O'Hare plan?
We applaud the Daily Herald for its ongoing investigation into the questionable public policy decisions surrounding the O'Hare expansion program. We certainly ask that you continue your inquiries into those elected officials who staunchly opposed O'Hare expansion and suddenly flipped to support it. We now wonder: Was their change of heart due to personal self-interests or were they truly voting in the public's best interests?
Craig B. Johnson, Mayor
Elk Grove Village
John Geils, Mayor