
Trump's failed diplomacy

Trump diplomacy has been a total failure. Months of negotiations with the Taliban have now collapsed. Negotiations with North Korea have ended. The Palestinians have not met with the Trump team since his huge diplomatic mistake in declaring Jerusalem (an international city) the capital of Israel.

Trump's new NAFTA, while not making substantial changes in North America trade, lacks congressional approval. The Chinese have taken Trump for a sucker and the result has been American rural support for Trump is in decline.

Trump discarded the Paris climate agreement and has found that climate change is all our allies want to speak to him about. Trump violated the Iranian nuclear agreement and all Trump has to show for it is Iranian renewed efforts at enriching weapons grade uranium.

In addition, the European Union is trying to supplant the American financial banking system in order to trade with Iran. Oh, and before I forget, the English Parliament has just given Trump's friend, Boris Johnson, the finger. Oh, what a failure Donald Trump the deal maker has been.

Because of Donald Trump, America doesn't lead in world affairs, it follows the lead of other nations.

Tom Teune


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